This was a long-term project, carried out by Ulrich Charpa, Ute Deichmann, and Anthony S. Travis. The project aimed at documenting, evaluating and explaining the role of Jews in German-speaking academia during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In connection with the project international workshops were organised in Leipzig (2002), Jerusalem (2003), Brighton (2004), and Jerusalem (2006), Beer Sheva (2007, 2008, 2009), London (2010). Among the publications related to the project are two collections:
Schwerpunkt Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow Institute, Vol. 3, Göttingen 2004: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S. 149-312. (eds. Charpa/Deichmann) Jews in the Sciences in Modern Times, vol. 72 of the Schriftenreihe des Leo Back Instituts, Tübingen 2007: J.B.C. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). (eds. Charpa/Deichmann)External talks were given at various conferences and at universities and research institutions in Aachen, Berlin, Bochum, Bonn,…