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Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts

The ‘Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts’ is the leading series in the field of German-Jewish history. The first volume was published in 1959; since then over 80 monographs and edited volumes have been published in the series.

The Schriftenreihe covers the period between the Enlightenment and the Modern Era with a special focus on European history. It includes classic approaches to social and political history as well as intellectual history, cultural history and gender studies. Examples are: Dana von Suffrin ‘Pflanzen für Palästina’ (2019), Assaf Shelleg ‘Musikalische Grenzgänge’ (2017) and ‘Der veränderbare Körper’ by Daniel Wildmann (2009).

For a complete list of our publications, please visit Mohr Siebeck: Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts.

Interconnectivity and Entanglements
Edited by Susanne Marten-Finnis and Michael Nagel

Susanne Marten-Finnis Born 1957; Professor Emeritus of Applied Linguistics in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Portsmouth; visiting scholar at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies); honorary research fellow at the Centre of Migration, Diaspora and Exile at the University of Central Lancashire (MIDEX).

A cultural history of friendship in Germanic Judaism

Gerade für die junge Generation der um 1900 Geborenen repräsentierte die Ideologie, das Versprechen der Freundschaft so vieles, das ihrem alltäglichen Leben Sinn und Bedeutung gab. Die Frage, wie »richtig« zu leben sei, konnte die Tradition oft nicht mehr beantworten. Stattdessen verbürgte die Freundschaft ein Leben, das auf Loyalität und Treue, auf Wahrheit und Gleichberechtigung basierte. Man wurde in eine Freundschaft nicht hineingeboren, sondern wählte sie sich aus freien Stücken und demonstrierte damit zugleich…

Lisa Sophie Gebhard

Published in German.

Lisa Sophie Gebhard explores the multifaceted activities of the Zionist Davis Trietsch (1870–1935), who was once a remarkable figure on the Jewish nationalist scene but after his death disappeared almost entirely from historical memory. In this work, the author brings together coherent biographical information about him for the very first time. Trietsch, who initiated several forward-looking projects, emerges as a dynamic social actor whose thought was particularly influenced by innovations developed in the United States.

82 Gross, Raphael / Wildmann, Daniel (hrsg): Weltbühne Zürich: Kurt Hirschfeld und das deutschsprachige Theater um Schweizer Exil, (2022, 208 pp.)

Published in English.

The Wissenschaft des Judentums was born in the battle for equality, integration, and regeneration in nineteenth-century Germany and in its turn to history posed an intellectual revolution for modern Judaism. In this volume of collected essays, Ismar Schorsch provides a contextual study of the perilous origins and rapid developments of jüdische Wissenschaft outside the framework of the German university, which dominated the field of historical scholarship at the time.

Ismar Schorsch Born 1935; 1957 B.A., Ursinus College…

[Plants for Palestine. Otto Warburg and the Natural Sciences in the Yishuv.] Published in German.

2019. VII, 267 pages.

What story does the cultivation of Palestinian plants and other Botanical Zionism crops tell us about the historical and political relations between people, politics, and ideology? Dana von Suffrin investigates the impact made by a group of Otto Warburg-inspired Zionists who wanted to establish a Jewish state with the help of science.

As history was being recorded, the so-called botanical Zionism that grew up around the German-Jewish colonial botanist…

79 Wittler, Kathrin: Morgenländischer Glanz. Eine deutsche jüdische Literaturgeschichte (1750–1850), (2019, 620 pp.)

78 Nicosia, Francis R. (hrsg. u. eingel.): Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus 1933–1941, (2018, 657 pp.)

77 Shelleg, Assaf: Musikalische Grenzgänge Europäisch-jüdische Kunstmusik und der Soundtrack der israelischen Geschichte, (2017, 344 pp.)

76 Steiner, Stephan: Weimar in Amerika. Leo Strauss’ Politische Philosophie, (2013, 306 pp.)

75 Soussan, Henry C.: The Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums in Its Historical Context, (2013, 193pp.)

74 Sabel, Johannes: Die Geburt der Literatur aus der Aggada (2010, 296 pp.)

73 Wildmann, Daniel: Der veränderbare Körper (2009, 329 pp.)

72 Charpa, Ulrich / Deichmann, Ute (eds.): Jews and Sciences in German Contexts, (2007, 312 pp.)

71 Wolzogen, Hanna Delf von / Shedletzky, Itta (eds.): Theodor Fontane und Wilhelm Wolfsohn – eine interkulturelle Beziehung, (2006, 548 pp.)

Hoffmann, Christhard (ed.)

Preserving the Legacy of German Jewry. A History of the Leo Baeck Institute, 1955-2005, (2005, 474 pp.)


Founded in May 1955 in Jerusalem by German-…

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