How racial categories become realities: The bureaucratic journeys of “Jewish” petitioners to the Nazi regime, 1933-1945
Leo Baeck Fellowship and Alumni Network
Fellows 2021-22
Die Konstruktion jüdisch kollektiver Identität am Beispiel des Rabbiners Dr. Ludwig Philippson
A Homeland in the Home: Age, Gender, and Religion in German Cultural Zionism, 1897-1905
Katharina: Teil der Stadtgesellschaft? Beziehungen zwischen Juden und Christen im spätmittelalterlichen Regensburg.
Fellows 2020-21
I will sing of love and justice: Jewish Responses to the Theological Roots of Contemporary Virtue Ethics
Demokratisches Denken in der frühen Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der Staats- und Verwaltungsrechtler Walter Jellinek
Philip Emanuel Bockelmann is a doctoral candidate at the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow in Leipzig. He studied History and German Philology at Georg August University of Göttingen as well as Medieval and Modern…
The German origins of Hebrew typography in the 20th century: Rafael Frank and Henri Friedlaender
Nitzan Chelouche (she/her) is a PhD candidate at the DAAD Center for German Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research examines the emergence of modern Hebrew type design in Germany in the first half of the twentieth century. She draws upon her training as a…
Organisationsformen ländlicher Judensiedlungen zwischen Zentralität und Dispersion. Ein Vergleich regionaler Netzwerke im Elsass und in der Wetterau im ausgehenden Mittelalter
Yeshivot and their Students in Moravia, 1650-1726: A Window to Early Modern Learning Culture
Fellows 2019-20
From Frankfurt to Babylon. A History of Jewish Intellectuals in the Federal Republic of Germany
Working as a Doctoral Candidate at the Dubnow Institute since 2016, Zarin Aschrafi studied History and German Language at the universities of Munich, Freiburg im Breisgau, and Tübingen, and completed her M. A. degree in 2014.
Her dissertation focuses on a…
Inventing a modern diaspora: Balkan Sephardim 1890–1940
Željka Oparnica is a doctoral candidate in History at Birkbeck, University of London. She holds a MA degree in History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe with a specialisation in Jewish studies from Central European University and a BA in History from University of Belgrade.
Her doctoral…
Photobooks as Jewish History: German-speaking Jews, Images, and the Transatlantic Construction of a Common Past.
Steven Weiss Samols is a Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Southern California. His research explores the intersection of Visual Studies and Cultural History. Steven holds a MSc. in European Studies from the London School of Economics…
The reception History of the Shulhan Arukh in Europe and the Formation of its Communities of Readers, 1589-1726
Elad Schlesinger is a Ph.D. candidate at the Jewish Thought department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He earned his MA at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, writing his thesis in the Jewish…
Arch. Naomi Simhony, Department of Art History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Synagogue Architecture in Israel's First Two Decades of Statehood: Religious Architecture in a Secular Age
My dissertation examines synagogues designed by prominent architects in the State of Israel in the first two decades following its establishment. To date, Israeli…
The Purchasing Mission to Cologne between Israel and Germany, 1953-1965
This study focuses on the Purchasing Mission to Cologne, the official and exclusive representative of the Government of Israel in the Federal Republic of Germany – West Germany (hereinafter: Germany) before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Writing a Future State: Spatial Imaginiaries of German Jewish Literature, 1847–1932
Joshua Shelly is a doctoral candidate in the Carolina-Duke German Studies Program, a joint program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University. He holds a BA in German and History from Wayne State University (2011), and an MLS (2013…
Trust thy Neighbor? Risk and Trust in Economic Interactions between Jews and Christians in the German Empire c. 1280-1420
Aviya Doron is a PhD student at the Department of Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the supervision of Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten, and a member of the ERC research group “Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in…
Schrift als Schutz. Jüdische Amulette im Spannungsfeld sprachlicher und nicht sprachlicher Elemente
Alisha Meininghaus is a doctoral candidate at the Department of the Study of Religion at the Philipps University of Marburg. She holds a MA in the Study of Religion with a minor in Jewish Studies.
The dissertation "Schrift als Schutz. Jüdische Amulette…
Fellows 2018-19
“At Home in My Room”: Jewish Spaces of Longing and Belonging in World War I and Weimar Berlin
Close Encounters: Shanghai´s German Jewish Refugees and Chinese, 1937 - 1948
New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York, NY
August 2015 – Present, Ph.D. Candidate
Joint Ph.D. Program in Hebrew and Judaic Studies & History
Major Field: Modern Jewish History; Minor Field: Modern Chinese History…
When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine, 1900 - 1967
Horror vacui und materiale Ästhetik – Das Spätwerk Siegfried Kracauers im amerikanischen Exil
Athletes and Pioneers: The Ascent of Modern Sport and the Zionist Body in Interwar Palestine
Gustav Landauer als jüdischer Intellektueller
Sebastian Kunze is a PhD Candidate at the University of Erfurt. He studied Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science (B.A.) at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg; holds a Masters-Degree from the University of Potsdam in Jewish Studies after studying in Berlin, Southampton, Jerusalem and…
Futures’ Past: Commerce, Capital and the Rise and Fall of the Commodity Exchange in German Economic Life, 1870 - 1935
A Continental Tradition in Transit: Émigré Historians and German History in the Israeli Academy
Fellows 2017-18
The World of 1939 Stood Still For Us: European Jewish Emigration from Shanghai, 1945 - 1951
2019-2018 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, History, visiting research fellow.
present Doctoral student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jewish History Department, under the supervision of Professor Israel Yuval and. Dr. Ephraim (Effie) Shoham-Steiner.
2014 M.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jewish History Department.
2007 B.A, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,…
Betrayal and Conversion: Jews, Christians and Cross-Confessional Legal Culture in Reformation Germany
Konflikt in der Stadt: Eine verflechtungsgeschichtliche Perspektive der Regensburger Ritualmordbeschuldigung (1476 - 1480)
October 2015 - present:
PhD candidate, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, History Faculty.
Title: “Everyday Life, Identity, and Communal Relations: A Comparison of Kehilot Shum and Aragon, 1100-1347.”
Advisor: Elisheva Baumgarten (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
September 2013 - June 2014:
MPhil in Legal Theory…
Sheer Ganor is a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley's Department of History. She is currently completing her dissertation, In Scattered Formation: Displacement, Alignment and the German-Jewish Diaspora, which studies the global network of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. She is the author of "Forbidden Words, Banished Voices: Jewish Refugees at the Service of BBC Propaganda to Wartime…
Alexander Walther is a PhD candidate at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. He is currently completing his dissertation Die Shoah und die DDR. Erinnerung und Repräsentation im Antifaschismus (The Shoah and the GDR. Remembrance and Representation within Anti-Fascism). He studied history and English as a training for future teachers of…
Fellows 2016-17
Female Pioneers in Social Work in Palestine: The Impact of the Jewish German Tradition and of Zionism upon the Emergence of Profession
PhD Candidate History October 2015 – Present
Darwin College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Dissertation – German Politics and the ‘Jewish Question’, 1914-1919
MPhil in International Relations and Politics (Distinction) October 2015 – July 2015
Der deutsche Zionist Davis Trietsch und sein Einsatz für die praktische Kolonisation in Palästina
I am a PhD candidate in History of Judaism at the University of Chicago Divinity School, working primarily with Paul Mendes-Flohr and Michael Fishbane. My writings have appeared in The Journal of Religion, The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Brill's Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers, and The Encyclopedia of the…
"Wise Women": Gender, Religion, Medicine and the Boundaries of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
2015- Ph.D. program in Comparative History, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
2014-2015 Fellowship at Paidiea-The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, Stockholm.
2012-2014 Master of Arts in Nationalism Studies…
"It is time to act for the Lord": Crisis Discourse and Theological Turns in Moses ben Maimon and Hermann Cohen
Nationalism, Regionalism and Cosmology: Minorities and Foreigners in German Folk-Narratives in the Nineteenth Century
Fellows 2015-16
Marie Sophie Graf is currently a PhD candidate at the Political Science Departement at Ludwg-Maximilians-Universität Munich and a PhD fellow of the German National Academic Foundation. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and an Magister Artium in Modern and Contemporary History, History of Eastern and Southern-Eastern Europe and Modern German Literature from the Ludwig-Maximilians-…
The Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) was one of the most influential philosophers in Germany in the late nineteenth century. Cohen was a founder of neo-Kantianism, the intellectual movement that dominated Western scholarship in science, ethics, philosophy and religion from the late nineteenth…
Yakov Z. Mayer is a PhD candidate in Tel Aviv University. His research focuses on the printing of the Palestiniam Talmud, and it’s reception in the German speaking lands during the long 16th century. He writes in Haaretz’ magazine for Culture and Literature and teaches Talmud at Alma – House for Hebrew Culture and at Yeshivat Orot Shaul. His recent book, “Writings – Collected Articles on…
Ido Harari is a PhD candidate at the Department of Jewish Thought in Ben Gurion University of the Negev (writing under joint supervision of Prof. Boas Huss and Prof. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin). His research interests include Jewish Orthodoxy in Europe (Hassidism, Lithuanian Mussar movement and German Orthodoxy), religious conversion, Secularism and its critique, and the various interactions between…
Tally Gur writes her dissertation at the Dept. of Jewish History, Haifa University. She's a research fellow at the Bucerius Institute for Contemporary German History and Society and was a Teaching fellow at the "Nofei Yeda" Humanities program. Her study follows the development of Jewish Studies in West-Germany academia after WWII and the Holocaust through different case studies. She…
Martin Bürgin studied History, Study of Religions and Political Science at the University of Zurich and at the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich from 2005-2013. From 2008-2009 he received an Erasmus stipendiary at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin where he took courses in history, cultural studies, art history and the social sciences (political science). In May 2013 he graduated with…
Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg is currently a seventh-year PhD Candidate at the History Department of the University of Pennsylvania. She is researching and writing her dissertation, with plans to finish sometime in the next academic year.
The Organisation of Halakhic Knowledge: Early Modern Responsa
Tamara's dissertation deals with the history of halakha…
Annegret Oehme is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Germanics at University of Washington, Seattle. She received her PhD in 2016 in German from Duke and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies). She holds a B.A. in Jewish Studies and an M.A. in Medieval and Early Modern German Literature and Language from Freie Universität…
My dissertation follows the German kindergarten movement from 1837 to 1880 in Bad Blankenburg, Berlin, Hamburg, and Leipzig. Within these locations I explore two developments. First, I analyze the major kindergartens opened by activists to demonstrate how the institution became…
Immigration and Education: Jewish Pedagogues and the Pedagogical Discourse in Palestine 1918-1939
Fellows 2014-15
Adam Y. Stern defended his dissertation at Harvard University in 2016 and is now Lecturer in Jewish Studies at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. He has published articles in The Journal of Religion as well as in the Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook and is currently at work on his first book manuscript. Profile:
M. A. in History and German Philology, University of Trier 2014
2014-2015 Leo Baeck Fellowship
2015-2016 Doctoral Fellowship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
2017-2018 Post-Doc-…
Julia Carls is a curator of the forthcoming, new permanent exhibition at the Jewish Museum Berlin. Previously, she worked as a research assistant at the chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Erfurt. She holds an M.A. in Religious Studies as well as a B.A. in Religious Studies and Communication Studies and received scholarships by the German National Academic Foundation and other…
Lina Nikou was a PhD student at Hamburg University and worked at the Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg (Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg). She was a visiting fellow at the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, while receiving the Leo Baeck Fellowship. Furthermore, she was funded by the ZEIT-Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius and…
Yaniv Feller is a curator at the Jewish Museum Berlin. He received his PhD (2016) from the Department for the Study of Religion and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto. Yaniv’s dissertation, entitled “Dialogical Apologetics: Leo Baeck and the Task of Jewish Philosophy”, offers a new reading of Baeck’s thought and argues for its relevance both for Jewish…
The 13th century was a watershed for the Ashkenazi Jews in the Holy Roman Empire. Important social changes took place and anti-Judaism continued its transformation. In particular the anti-Jewish pogrom developed into a regular phenomenon during this century without a single underlying motive for the pogroms. The…
My dissertation, “Émigré Scientists of the Quotidian: Market Research and the American Consumer Unconscious, 1933-1976,” is a transnational intellectual and cultural history that examines the role played by a cohort of Central European market researchers and designers in the creation of modern…
M.A. in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Hebrew University Jerusalem; B.A. in International Affairs, Vesalius College – Vrije Universiteit Brussel; undergraduate studies in Social Sciences and Applied History, Universität Siegen.
Orientalist scholarship and International politics in the Age of German Empire. Life, Career and…
Fellows 2013-14
University of Limerick,
B.A in English and History
University of St. Andrews
MLitt in Modern History
UniversityofSt. Andrews
PhD in Modern German History
2012- Present
Academic Achievements:
Leo Baeck Fellowship 2013-2014
Carl-Eric Linsler was born in 1984. After having received his B.A. from the University of Leipzig and his M.A. from the Humboldt University of Berlin, he started his PhD project at the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University of Berlin in 2013. He was a fellow of the German National Academic Foundation from 2009 until 2016 and a visiting researcher with the postgraduate…
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago, Divinity School (2008-present)
Dissertation: “Modeling the Temple: The Politics of German-Jewish Scriptural Hermeneutics”
Advisor: Paul Mendes-Flohr. Committee Members: Michael Fishbane, James Robinson.
M.St. (with Distinction), University of Cambridge (…
Dana von Suffrin, born in Munich in 1985. Studied Political Science, Jewish History and Culture and Comparative Literature in Munich, Naples/Italy and Jerusalem/Israel, and graduated with a thesis on Holocaust remembrance among Russian immigrants in Israel. In 2012/13 she started her PhD project at Munich's History of Science department. Currently she is working as a postdoc and coordinator at…
Yael Almog is a Doctoral Candidate in the German Department at the University of California in Berkeley, studying German literature from 1750 till the present, Jewish and religious studies, literary theory, and continental philosophy. With Erik Born, she edited the volume Neighbors and Neighborhoods in the German-Speaking World (Cambridge Scholars, 2012) which scrutinizes instances of…
A Ticket from Brody to New York via Berlin. Organized Solidarity of German Jews for Eastern European Jewish Transmigrants 1881/82
The dissertation thematizes the transit of Jewish-Russian transmigrants through the German Empire during the “crisis year” 1881/82. The focus of the dissertation is on the transnational organization of a “directed” Jewish Emigration to America, which…
Ethan Zadoff is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies, Division of Hebrew and Hebraic Studies at the Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY)
Ph.D. in Medieval History (Expected Fall 2014), The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
M.Phil, History The Graduate Center of the City University of New York…
Anna Koch is a Ph.D. candidate at New York University, where she is writing her dissertation in the Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and the History Department. She has received numerous fellowships, including a DPDF fellowship from the Social Science Research Council, a Cahnman Foundation Fellowship at the Center for Jewish History, and a Doctoral Fellowship from the German Historical…
Since October 2013 I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Sociology of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. I am currently writing my dissertation under the guidance of Professor Ulrich Bröckling. The second supervisor is Professor Patrick Wagner of the Martin-Luther-University in Halle-Wittenberg.
I studied sociology and contemporary history at both the Martin-Luther-…
Fellows 2009-10
Since my graduation I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology / European Ethnology at Georg August University Göttingen (Minerva) and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a Lady Davis fellow (2011-2012) and at the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and…
Amir Engel received his PhD from Stanford University in 2011. His dissertation is a intellectual biography of the renowned Kabbalah Jewish German and Israeli scholar Gershom Scholem. Currently he is a research fellow at the Martin Buber Professur für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. His current…
PhD candidate, History, University of Regensburg, Germany. PhD Project: The German People’s Party and the Jews in the Weimar Republic (working title)
Master’s Degree, Modern and Contemporary History, Social and Economic History and Mass Communication, University of Munich, Germany. MA Thesis: A Radical in the…
Contact: (unconfirmed)
PhD Candidate at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Institute for European Studies.
MA in History of International Relations from the LSE, London. Thesis: Hungary's response to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and the dilemma of Hungarian Jews (passed with high merit).
BA (hons…
PhD student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH).
2008–09 scientific assistant at the Chair for Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, ETH Zurich, since 2009 assistant at the Visiting Professorship for Französische Sprache und Kultur, ETH Zurich.
Jörg Marquardt studied German literature and modern history at the Universities of Greifswald…
Contact: (unconfirmed)
Born in 1982 in Kirchen (Rheinland), Germany, PhD Candidate at the Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf (since 2007).
M.A. degree at the Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf (2007); M.A. Thesis: Der Mehrfrontenkrieg gegen die deutschen Landjuden. Nationalsozialistische…
Sophie Zimmer studied German and Jewish Studies at the Sorbonne Paris IV University, the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg, and the University of Potsdam. She earned her PhD in German and Jewish studies at the universities of Paris IV and Potsdam in 2012. Her dissertation on the Jewish revival in Berlin since 1989 was supported through the German National Academic…
Hanan Harif has recently completed and submitted his Ph. D dissertation to senate of the Hebrew University.
Currently he teaches in the Rothberg School for Foreign Students at the Hebrew University, and is a Fellow of Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem.
The dissertation, titled:
“The ‘Revival of the East,’ Pan-…
Stefanie Fischer currently holds a PostDoc position at the Center for Jewish Studies/Potsdam University. In 2012 Fischer earned a PhD from the Center for Research on Antisemitism/Technical University Berlin. In her PhD thesis she has analyzed the interrelationship between economic trust and Antisemitic violence by looking at the…
Editorial Board: German Jewish Cultures, Fellows 2009-10
Iris Idelson-Shein received her PhD from Tel Aviv University in 2011. Her dissertation discussed the uses of racial discourse in the Jewish Enlightenment. She is currently Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Martin Buber Professur für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Her…
Iris Idelson-Shein received her PhD from Tel Aviv University in 2011. Her dissertation discussed the uses of racial discourse in the Jewish Enlightenment. She is currently Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Martin Buber Professur für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Her…
Fellows 2022-23
University of California
After the Holocaust: Contemporary German-Jewish Poetics and the Persistence of the Past
University of California
Nazis after Hitler: An Experiential History of SS Members in the Postwar World, 1950-2010
Tel Aviv University
Prophetic Politics: Political Theology in early 20th Century Jewish Thought and the Question of the Legitimacy of the State - Landauer, Buber, A.D. Gordon
Zuwanderung als Wiedergutmachung? Die politische Aushandlung der sowjetisch-jüdischen Zuwanderung und ihre praktische Umsetzung
Marguerite Bertheau is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Jewish History and Culture at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. She holds a MPhil in Modern European History from the University of Cambridge.
Her PhD…
FU Berlin
Geschlecht, Sexualität und Körper in der Jüdischen Sportbewegung 1918-1933
Universität Bamberg
Identifikation und Identifizierung im jüdischen Sakralbau - "maurische Synagogen" in Südwestdeutschland und Bayern
Northwestern University
Prostitutes, Converts, and Jews: Defining Boundaries Between Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages
Princeton University
Beyond Political Theology: Hannah Arendt's Jewish Theology of Givenness
Stanford University
Ashkenazi Kabbalah: Early modern Jewish Mysticism in Frankfurt, Prague, and Krakow