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The Centralverein and the Search for a Modern Jewish Identity

7:00pm, 6 April 2005

Dr Avraham Barkai 

The Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens (Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Faith), known as the C.V., was the most infl uential Jewish representative body before and during the Nazi Era. The lecture, based on the fi rst comprehensive study of the CV includes a signifi cant amount of recent archival fi ndings and will trace how this institution shaped German Jewish identity. 

Avraham Barkai was born in Berlin and now lives on a kibbutz in Israel. He has worked as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Tel Aviv, the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem and the research institute of Yad Vashem. He has written many books and essays, in particular about German- Jewish history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and on National Socialism. He is the co-editor of the series Deutsch-Jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit published by the Beck Verlag 1996/1997.

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