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Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2002-03

Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2002-03

Our first joint lecture series. Speakers included Dan Diner, Richard Overy, Sander Gilman, Norbert Frei, Michael Brenner, Yfaat Weiss, Shulamit Volkov. 



7:00pm, 4 February 2002
4 February 2002

Prof Dan Diner (Hebrew University Jerusalem and Simon Dubnow Institut, Leipzig) Europe and the Jews: A New Perspective. 

Introduction: Prof Peter Pulzer (Oxford University) 

Book Launch LBI Year Book 2001 (Jointly organised with the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, Sussex University)

7:00pm, 24 April 2002

Prof Richard Overy (King's College London) 

The Nuremberg Trials: International Law in the Making 

(Introductory Lecture to the Wiener Library - Matrix Chambers Lecture Series from Nuremberg to Hague)

7:00pm, 1 October 2002

Prof Sander Gilman (University of Chicago) 

Max Kochmann lecture (Jointly organised with the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, Sussex University)

7:00pm, 4 November 2002

Prof Norbert Frei (University of Bochum) 

7:00pm, 12 December 2002
12 December 2002

Prof Michael Brenner (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich) 

7:00pm, 22 January 2003
22 January 2003

Dr Yfaat Weiss (Haifa University) 

7:00pm, 12 February 2003
12 February 2003

Prof Shulamit Volkov (Tel Aviv University, Israel) 

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