Venue: Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow
Chaired by Dr Peter Antres and Dr Daniel Wildmann
23. – 26. June 2019
Guided tour through the permanent exhibition on “Dictatorship and Democracy after 1945” in the “Zeitgeschichtliches Forum”.
Session 1
Greetings by Jörg Deventer Josef Nothmann: Futures’ Past: Commerce, Capital and the Rise and Fall of the Commodity Exchange in German Economic Life, 1870 – 1935.
Sebastian Kunze: Gustav Landauer als jüdischer Intellektueller.
Session 2
Netta Cohen: When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine, 1900–1967.
Yemima Hadad: History of Forgetfulness: Theopolitics and Hasidism in Martin Buber´s Writings.
Angelina Palmen: Holding the Fort: Jewish woman in the German war economy 1914 – 1918.
Walk together “On Shai Agnon’s Footsteps”. Tour through Leipzig by Arndt Engelhardt
alternative: Book Presentation of David Kowalski “Polens letzte Juden. Herkunft und Dissidenz um 1968”
Session 3
Anna Band: “At Home in My Room”: Jewish Spaces of Longing and Belonging in World War I and Weimar Berlin.
Kimberly Cheng: Close Encounters: Shanghai´s German Jewish Refugees and Chinese, 1937 – 1951.
Ofer Idels: Athletes and Pioneers: The Ascent of Modern Sport and the Zionist Body in Interwar Palestine
Session 4
Ofer Idels: Athletes and Pioneers: The Ascent of Modern Sport and the Zionist Body in Interwar Palestine.
Felix Hempe: Horror vacui und materiale Ästhetik – Das Spätwerk Siegfried Kracauers im amerikanischen Exil.
LBI-Alumni Alexander Walther (Jena): Die Shoah und die DDR. Formen der Erinnerung und Repräsentationen jenseits des Antifaschismus.
Movie screening of “Sterne” (1959, dir. by Konrad Wolf, long version with English subtitles) at the “Kinobar Prager Frühling”, short Introduction and Q & A Session by Daniel Wildmann.