Workshop at the University of Sussex, England
Chaired by Dr Elisabeth Gallas and Dr Daniel Wildmann
Session 1
Josef Northmann: Futures’ Past: Commerce, Capital and the Rise and Fall of the Commodity Exchange in German Economic Life, 1870 – 1935 (response: Felix Hempe)
Sebastian Kunze: Gustav Landauer als jüdischer Intellektueller (response: Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan)
Session 2
Netta Cohen: When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine, 1900 - 1967 (response: Ofer Idels)
Yemima Hadad: History of Forgetfulness: Theopolitics and Hasidism in Martin Buber´s Writings (response: Kimberley Cheng)
Angelina Palmen: Holding the Fort: Jewish woman in the German war economy 1914 – 1918 (response: Yemima Hadad)
Session 3
Anna Brand: “At Home in My Room”: Jewish Spaces of Longing and Belonging in World War I and Weimar Berlin (response: Netta Cohen)
Kimberly Cheng: Close Encounters: Shanghai´s German Jewish Refugees and Chinese, 1937 – 1951 (response: Sebastian Kunze)
Ofer Idels: Athletes and Pioneers: The Ascent of Modern Sport and the Zionist Body in Interwar Palestine (response: Josef Northmann)
Session 4
Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan: A Continental Tradition in Transit: Émigré Historians and German History in the Israeli Academy (response: Angelina Palmen)
Felix Hempe: Horror vacui und materiale Ästhetik – Das Spätwerk Siegfried Kracauers im amerikanischen Exil (response: Anna Brandt)