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Agnes Kelemen



2015- Ph.D. program in Comparative History, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

2014-2015 Fellowship at Paidiea-The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, Stockholm.

2012-2014 Master of Arts in Nationalism Studies with a specialization in Jewish Studies, Central European University, Budapest

2008-2012 Bachelor of Arts in History and Religious Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

2011 Summer Academy “The Jews in the Holy Roman Empire and its Successor States”, Fürth

2009-2010 Studies in Modern History and Contemporary History, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Honors and Awards 

2018-2019 Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship - granted by the Central European University

2017 Academic Achievement Award for First-Year Doctoral Students -granted by the Central European University

2016 –2017 Leo Baeck Fellowship - granted by the German Studienstiftung and the Leo Baeck Institute London

2015-2016 Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship - granted by the Central European University

2014-2015 Paideia Scholarship – granted by Paidiea - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

2012-2014 Partial CEU Fellowship for Master's Students -granted by the Central European University

Teaching Experience

2018 Independent teaching, undergraduate seminar, Sociology Department, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

2017 Teaching Assistant of the Historiography lecture and seminar taught by Prof. Carsten Wilke and Prof. Daniel Ziemann

2017 Teaching Assistant of the Historiography Master Class “The Russian Revolution as History” taught by Professor Sheila Fitzpatrick


The Migration of the Numerus Clausus Exiles. Hungarian Jewish Students in Interwar Europe

Agnes's dissertation (expected defense: 2019), "The Migration of the Numerus Clausus Exiles. Hungarian Jewish Students in Interwar Europe", investigates the connection between academic antisemitism, social mobility and migration through a sociological study of the "numerus clausus exiles" (students who left interwar Hungary due to the 1920 antisemitic numerus clausus law). Based on a database of over 1000 Hungarian students enrolled in universities abroad -Czechoslovakia, the First Austrian Republic, Weimar Germany and Fascist Italy - constructed by the author, the dissertation analyzes the social background of émigré students -most of whom were Jewish - and compares it with the social background of Jewish students enrolled in Hungarian universities in the same period. In this way important conclusions are made about the question who "made it into the Jewish quota" of Hungarian universities that was imposed by the 1920 "numerus clausus" law. Through the examination of interwar Hungarian media the dissertation also reviews the discourses related to the student migration provoked by the numerus clausus and compares them with narratives of students concerned which were constructed in students' ego documents, often memoirs and autobiographies that they wrote decades later as Shoah survivors. Finally, based on databases of Shoah victims and survivors, the last chapter follows up the life trajectories of students who between the two world wars studied in universities abroad as the "exiles of the numerus clausus".



2017 Agnes Kelemen. “New approaches to the history of the Jews under Communism,” Judaica Bohemiae 52:2,123-126.

2017 Kelemen, Ágnes Katalin. “ A zsidó önazonosság és szolidaritás kérdései Erdélyben az első világháború után ( Questions of Jewish identity and solidarity in Transylvania after the First World War, ” Múltunk, 62:4, 137-159.

2017 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “Cedaka az Olaszországban tanuló numerus clausus száműzöttekért (Tzedakah for the exiles of the numerus clausus studying in Italy),” Yerusha- Online Journal of Judaism and Cultural Anthropology. (Accessed: May 9, 2018).

2017 Agnes Katalin Kelemen. “Zionists in interwar Czechoslovakia: minority nationalism and the politics of belonging,” European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 24:4, 657-658.

2017 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “A numerus clausus száműzöttjei. Magyar orvostanhallgatók külföldön (The Exiles of the Numerus Clausus. Hungarian Medical Students Abroad),” Szombat, 29:1, 9-12.

2015 Agnes Katalin Kelemen. “The Semaphore of Mobility: Hungarian Jewish Press and Peregrination to Fascist Italy,” Annali di Storia delle Università Italiane, 19:2, 41- 53.

2015 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “The Exiles of the Numerus Clausus in Italy.” In Judaica Olomucensia, 1:1, 56-103.

2014 Ármin Bálint. Feljegyzések Gyuri fiam részére. Napló 1944-ből (Notes for My Son, Gyuri. A Diary from 1944). Foreword and notes by Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. Budapest: Múlt és Jövő, 2014.

2014 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “Visszapillantás a toronyőrre. Bálint Györgyről (The Tower Watchman in Retrospect. György Bálint),” “Zsidó” identitás-képek a huszadik századi magyar irodalomban (“Jewish” Identities in Twentieth Century Hungarian Literature), ed. by Gábor Schein and Teri Szűcs. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó: 91-100.

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